11th Scientific Conference


Climate Change as an Engineering Challenge

PIM 11

April 26th, 2025 Zrenjanin/SERBIA


About The Event


The main objective of the Conference is to provide a scientific and professional contribution to the one of the biggest challenge facing mankind and its planet. Generally speaking, numerous technologies developed in last two centuries enabled more comfortable life to wide range of population on planet. But side effects of these technologies daily implementation led to various harmful impacts not just to environment, climate and the planet as itself but also to social and cultural challenges as well.
Conference organizers believe that if some of developed and implemented technologies caused those harmful impacts, some new developed technologies could adequately mitigate them and reduce possible risks to climate and the planet at all.
These were basics in making decision on Conference title which is CLIMATE CHANGE AS AN ENGINEERING CHALLENGE.
The organizers of the Conference therefore intend to bring together the scientific and professional public, as well as business entities that can make a significant contribution to this topic.



23 Djordja Stratimirovica, Zrenjanin, Serbia



April 26th, 2025


Information section

Abstracts submission

  • You will be registered for the Conference when provide an abstract.
  • Authors are requested to send an abstract using the Abstract Template to
  • Instructions for the author(s)/Template (English only)
  • Maximum number of authors by paper is 3 authors
  • Maximum number of papers per author is 2 papers
  • Abstract(s) should be submitted till February 28th, 2025

Paper submission

  • Authors are requested to send paper(s) using the Paper Template to
  • Instructions for the author(s)/Template (English only)
  • Maximum page number by paper is 8 pages.
  • All papers will be peer reviwed.
  • Papers by invited speakers are beyond this restriction.
  • Papers should be written in English only.
  • Papers should be submitted till March 31st, 2025
  • Information on the paper acceptance till April 15th, 2025

Presentation submission

  • Presentation could be created in English language (Template) or in Serbian language (Template)
  • Presentations should be submitted till April 24th, 2025

Poster submission

  • For the authors who are not able to present their papers there is an option to create a poster which will be displayed in front of the Conference room in Poster section
  • Poster could be created in English language (Template) or in Serbian language (Template)
  • Presentations should be submitted till April 23th, 2025


  • Deadline for application submission is: February 28th, 2025
  • Deadline for FULL paper submission is: March 31st, 2025
  • Deadline for the information on the paper acceptance is: April 15th, 2025
  • Deadline for Payment of Conference fee is: April 18th, 2025


  • 5000 RSD/Paper Template
  • Fees should be paid till April 18th, 2025

Event Speakers

Here are some of our speakers

Speaker 1
Robert Molnar, PhD
Speaker 2
Marija Matotek Anđelić, PhD
Speaker 3
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
Speaker 5
Speaker 6
Speaker 6
Speaker 7
Speaker 7
Speaker 8
Speaker 8
Speaker 9
Speaker 9
Speaker 10
Speaker 10
Speaker 11
Speaker 11
Speaker 12
Speaker 12

Thematic fields

The list is not exhaustive

  1. Climate Change and Industry 5.0

  2. Climate Change and Automotive Industry

  3. Climate Change and Energy Sector

  4. Climate Change and ICT Sector

  5. Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence

  6. Climate Change and Environmental Robotics

  1. Climate Change and Agricultural Engineering

  2. Climate Change and Biotechnology

  3. Climate Change and Engineering Education

  4. Climate Change and Sustainable Development

  5. Climate Change and Risk Management

  6. Climate Change and Basic Science Research



  1. Robert Molnar, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB, president
  2. Dragan Ćoćkalo, Ph.D., Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin/SRB, vicepresident
  3. Mehmet Zeyrek, Ph.D., Middle East Technical University, Ankara/TUR
  4. Ivan Güttler, Ph.D., Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ), Zagreb/CRO
  5. Sanja Damjanović, Ph.D., GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt/GER
  6. Peter Odry, Ph.D., Institute of Information Technology, University of Dunaujvaros, Dunaujvaros/HUN
  7. Angelina Taneva Veshoska, Ph.D., Institute IECE Skopje/NMK
  8. Suzana Gotovac-Atlagić, Ph.D., University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Banja Luka/BiH
  9. Dušan Regodić, Ph.D., MB University, Belgrade/SRB
  10. Vojin Grković, Ph.D., Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad/SRB
  11. Miodrag Kovačević, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  12. Dragana Glušac, Ph.D., Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin/SRB
  13. Pero Petrović, Ph.D., School of Economics and Management Studies, Kragujevac/SRB
  14. Iris Borjanović Trusina, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  15. Danijela Jašin, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  16. Jelena Kiurski Milošević, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  17. Dušan Jovanić, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  18. Aleksandar Rajić, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  19. Vladimir Tadić, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  20. Željko Eremić, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin/SRB
  21. Ankica Savin, M.Sc., Agricultural Professional Service, Zrenjanin/SRB


  1. Marija Matotek Anđelić, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin, president
  2. Tamara Milić, B.Sc., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin, technical secretary
  3. Miodrag Kovačević, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  4. Željko Eremić, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  5. Iris Borjanović Trusina, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  6. Tanja Sekulić, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  7. Milada Novaković, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  8. Dragan Halas, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  9. Valentina Mladenović, Ph.D., Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  10. Goran Marinković, B.Sc., Engineers’ Society Zrenjanin
  11. Kristina Salapura, B.Sc., Agricultural Professional Service, Zrenjanin
  12. Radomir Panić, Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  13. Zorica Karanjac, Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin
  14. Nikola Ilić, Technical College of Applied Sciences, Zrenjanin


In preparation
